What the *** are you doing on facebook?

9dec_imageSocial media is still “hot” but you know what you are doing there? Or are you there because people like me told you to?

In social media, you have to follow the rules, many of them unwritten. Social media is about relationships and dialogue. It is about taking conversations seriously. But in the end of the day you need to keep core of your business as guideline for  what and why you participate.

Various social media channels are good at different things. Make your priorities about where to participate wisely.

We are becoming used to be participants in social media; and not something special anymore. Personally I also believe that t is important to be integer, open and yourself, just like in all other relationships.

If you are new to using  social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, flickr, wordpress (and many others) you could benefit by listening to experienced people like ‘digital people’, not just consultants and suppliers, but also others who run businesses. They have made ​​mistakes your business does not need to repeat. They have more successes and you can learn from.

“Do not be one today, or yesterday, and something else in a year. Whatever you are, be it fully and completely, and not just partly and divided. “Ibsen

One Response to “What the *** are you doing on facebook?”

  1. This article acivehed exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

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